Walking the courses

XC Course walking: may be undertaken from 2pm until 8pm (latest) on Friday 17th.

To gain access you must bring your BE membership card (or your printed rider/horse number which must be displayed on arrival). The rider may bring one other person to walk  the course and both must leave promptly afterwards.  Thank you.

Dressage Tests: 

Class: BE 80                                     Test BE95

Class: BE 90/90O pen                      Test BE95

Class: BE 100/100Open                   Test BE108

Class: Novice/Open N                    Test N131


Show Jumping Course Walk Times: 


BE100/100 Op – before 0840, 1000, 1130, 1300

Nov/ON – 1430, 1545, 1700


BE90/90 Op – before 0840, 1000, 1130, 1300

BE80 – 1430, 1545, 1700