Entries for the newly created Warwick Hall (X) scheduled to run on 15 & 16 August will open on Tuesday 4th from 7am and then ballot and close on Thursday 4th at 10pm.
This fixture has been introduced to bring competitive opportunities for Scottish and Northern members and Warwick Hall enjoys sandy going with flowing courses and is reported by joint organiser Douglas Weymouth to be in great shape to welcome competitors for a mid-summer event.
There has been overwhelming support from the cross border eventing community wishing to ensure horse trials are made available and within a safe environment. Following the positive feedback to the implementation of current sport resumption protocols after Warwick Hall (3) in July, the Cumbria Horse Trials team are confident to run a further fixture ‘behind closed doors’ and at such short notice.
Over the coming days joint organiser Lucinda Weymouth will be contacting her wonderfully willing volunteer base but still wishes to hear from anyone keen to steward or jump judge and may be contacted on info@cumbriahorsetrials.com’